GROW your Organisation aims to cultivate and foster an ecological and collaborative approach.

Restoring Resilience believes that for any individual to thrive, an ecological perspective is vital. No person(s) can be viewed in isolation or separate to their family, culture, school, and community. A person’s health and wellbeing are inextricably interdependent on the quality of connection and relationships and as organisations and service providers we must be conscious and accountable to not further fragment individuals health and wellbeing but we must seek to unite and help build a cohesive and collaborative community that fosters and supports health, growth, healing, and resilience.

The GROW your Organisation ensures services do not work in silos and prevent perpetuating a singular, individual and reductionistic approaches to healing. The programs are grounded in our fundamental need as humans to belong, to be seen, to have a voice, to feel safe and to self-determine within collective contexts.  It is in relationship and connection when individuals, groups and community thrive and flourish.

The program is underpinned by a relational neuroscientific framework and is a combination of Somatic and Relational Gestalt theory, interventions and practices.

Don’t miss an opportunity to invest in implementing an ethical and sustainable way of working for you and your team.

  • Introducing ecological systems theory into organisational settings. The ecological and egological drivers within organisations.
  • Assisting staff with mental health and wellbeing from a psychobiological lens
  • Learning to notice and track somatic signs of stress and overwhelm, to reduce and prevent burnout.
  • Developing Healthy Boundaries – differentiate between states of joining, merging and avoiding, for optimal mental health and well being.
  • The illusion of separateness and the importance of understanding how to harness the power of relational neurobiology.
  • Supporting staff to practice from a place of health, wellbeing and sustainability.
  • Developing organisational ecological systems that nourish and support staff when working with crisis and reduce stress and overwhelm.
  • The importance of acknowledging and honouring individual strengths and needs within team environments.
  • Maintaining the integrity of the collective and organisational needs.
  • Holding duality so that multiple wants and needs can co-exist.
  • The whole is not greater but equal to the sum of its parts.
  • An understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and the implication on education, health and wellbeing
  • Toxic Stress, Adversity & Trauma Informed Responsive Care
  • Creating resilient environments in our classrooms, schools, businesses, within organisations- Safety, Connection, Coping Skills
  • Workplace/ classroom Strategies to dampen the stress response
  • Implementing focused attention practices and brain aligned strategies
  • The skill of learning the conflict cycle- co-regulation skills for educators, managers and team leaders
  • Creating workplace or school resiliency teams trained to co-regulate stressed brains in a safe and productive manner
  • Addressing team member/ teacher well-being
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