An educator’s capacity for regulation when working with children and families is essential. We want to equip and provide frameworks, resources, and self-care practices to ensure an educators health is protected and they are working from a window of sustainability, health, and wellbeing.

The workshop will teaches educators specific strategies and interventions that are restorative, regenerative and replenishing, protecting them from the inherent stress and overwhelm of working in educational settings.

  • What is Self-Care? Why a bubble bath doesn’t always cut it!
  • Window of tolerance and presence to ensure educators are working from a place of health and sustainability
  • To protect educators from vicarious trauma and burnout by adopting a neuroscientific framework that reduces the impact of working with stress, trauma and overwhelm during challenging times
  • A gift from our First Nations People – Dadirri  Deep Listening by Dr Mirama Rose Ungunmerr. Perception versus interoception _ The Body Never Lies – Gabor Mate
  • Boundaries – Empathy without boundaries equals burnout. How to ensure educators are aware of when they are defaulting into patterns that might be harmful to their health and wellbeing.
  • Develop a map of resources and stressors
  • Educators will be able to track and notice when they are working outside of their window of capacity and identify what supports them to come back into regulation
  • Educators practice the skill of interoception to foster deep listening to prevent build up of stress, overwhelm and trauma
  • Learn Somatic Experiencing Interventions to use when stuck in mobilized and immobilized states
  • Signs and symptoms of when your body is signalling for help
  • Differentiating between states of being tired as opposed to collapsed.
  • Why connection, safety and curiosity are markers of wellbeing.
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