GROW Parenting - Self Care

The GROW Parenting Program includes Self Care For Parents.

A parents’ capacity for regulation with their children and families is essential. We want to equip and provide frameworks, resources, and self-care practices to ensure a parent’s/caregiver’s wellbeing is protected and they are working from a within window of sustainability, health, and wellbeing.

The GROW Parenting Self Care Modules focus on the mental health and wellbeing of the parent/caregiver and offer frameworks and strategies that are regenerative and replenishing, protecting them from inherent stress and overwhelm.

Join the GROW Parenting subscription and receive Year-Round Access to the GROW Parenting and GROW Parenting Self Care Modules. This includes Pre-Recorded, Self-Paced Learning Modules, 10 x 1 hr Online Parenting Live Sessions with Trained Specialists to integrate the learnings and workshop any parenting questions you may have.

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