SE™ recognises that adversity and overwhelming traumatic experiences put our bodies into a state of survival and protection and impair our capacity for connection. When individuals are stuck in survival mode of fight, flight, freeze no amount of insight and awareness alone will shift and resolve the survival energy trapped in the body. SE™ teaches practitioners how to help clients release the trapped survival energy via the autonomic nervous system and restore incomplete protective responses helping individuals reconnect  to feelings of mastery, agency and resilience.

  • Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) refers to how human regulatory mechanisms are virtually identical to those in animals, these systems are often over-ridden by neo-cortical inhibition (the relational brain).
  • The thinking-mind overrides our system creating pain, dysfunction and anxiety which is a survival energy that SE™ helps ‘safely and gradually’ neutralise.
  • SE™ brings focus and awareness to bodily sensations, where individuals are able to access restorative physiological action patterns that unlock the central nervous system to release and neutralise survival energy and help the body return to a state of homeostasis and equilibrium.
  • Just as we have the stress reaction as one of the bodies inbuilt response systems, so there is an innate relaxation response.
  • The relaxation response brings on decreased muscle tension, lowered heart rate and lower blood pressure, deeper breathing pattern and calming of the belly and a peaceful and pleasant mood.
  • Repeated activation of the relaxation response can reverse sustained problems in the body and mend the internal wear and tear brought on by stress.
  • SE™ understands stress and trauma is a natural part of life, not a mistake, a disease or aberration.
  • SE™ holds the attitude that the body and mind is designed to heal intense and extreme experiences.
  • SE™ works primarily with the felt sense and accessing physical sensations, imagery, motor patterns, affect and meaning making (SIBAM Model).
  • SE™ provides a lens to understand underlying physiological drivers to symptoms and behaviour.
  • SE™ assesses where a person nervous system is “stuck” in protective responses such as: fight, flight and/or freeze.
  • SE™ provides clinical tools to resolve fixed states, transform old patterns, and strengthen resiliency.
  • SE™ aims to restore a sense of agency, mastery, empowerment and self determination.

Somatic Experiencing® provides training in the area of touch work which attends to the traumas that cannot be reached by tracking sensation alone. Touch work addresses healing at a deeper level and more rapidly than non-touch methods.

The Advance II module focuses on practitioner learning to apply touch whilst supporting the body to build capacity for coherence and containment, these are fundamental  when working with severe states of physiological dysregulation.

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