Restoring Resilience (RR) is excited to partner with therapists, practitioners, counsellors, parents, families, educators and educational settings to provide a trauma prevention and resolution framework to working with children 3-12yr olds.

We at Restoring Resilience believe that for any child to thrive, an ecological perspective is vital as a child cannot be viewed in isolation or separate to its family, culture, school, and community. A child’s health and wellbeing are inextricably interdependent on the quality of relationships with therapists, practitioners, counsellors, educators/schools, parents, and families. The program invites all significant adults in a child’s life to share in a psychobiological understanding of physiological drivers in child behaviour. It is essential therapists, practitioners, , counsellors, educators, parents/ carers learn that a child’s capacity to feel safe, connected and regulated is developed and cultivated in their relationship.

Restoring Resilience ‘Grow – Working with Children for Therapists and Practitioners’ can be accessed via subscription.  To ensure all significant adults in a child’s life have a shared lens on behaviour and responses, we have developed a suite of GROW Working with Children programs, each specifically designed for  Therapists/ Practitioners, Educators, Parents. The programs incorporate Gestalt theory to support relational safety, attachment and connection; Polyvagal theory to demystify drivers of disruptive and challenging behaviours and Somatic Experiencing interventions to release activation, reset the nervous system and restore resilience and social engagement systems. The synthesis of these modalities is potent and has been translated so children can start learning the fundamental and necessary skills for nervous system regulation from as young 3yo.

The Program introduces the ‘GROW – Emotion Regulation Tool Kit’ which is a resource adapted from Polyvagal Theory to be used with kids (3-12yo). The kit comprises a large colourful visual map to help children identify emotional states and learn the skill of noticing and tracking interoception. The training provides a menu of Somatic Experiencing interventions to support the child’s nervous system to return to a state of safety, connection and wellbeing when stuck in stress physiological states of fight, flight, and freeze. The GROW Emotion Regulation Tools Kit can be used in therapeutic settings, in classrooms and in homes, this will ensure the child is attuned and responded to with consistency and predictability.

The ‘GROW – Working with Children’ program is ecological, therefore the health and wellbeing of therapeutic settings must be triaged as a priority. In turn the subscription Self Care modules and Monthly Live Online Consults for therapists and practitioners are an integral part of the training. A therapist’s/ practitioner’s capacity to continue co-regulating and supporting children from a window of health, wellbeing, and sustainability requires a space where their own nervous system, health and wellbeing is prioritised, nurtured and nourished.

Restoring Resilience believes that for any child to thrive, an ecological perspective is necessary, that the child cannot be viewed as separate to its family, culture, school, and community. A child’s health and wellbeing are inextricably interdependent on the quality of relationships between educators/schools, parents, and families.

Restoring Resilience (RR) invites parents, schools and communities to bring an ecological, relational, neuroscientific, trauma informed framework into educational settings via the GROW – Working with Children Program.

The program consists of a series of workshops and includes the ‘GROW – Emotion Regulation Tool Kit’. The cornerstone of the program is built on Polyvagal Theory’s neuroscientific lens to understanding child behaviour and incorporates a relational gestalt approach to support and strengthen child parent/educator attunement and attachment. The program provides potent Somatic Experiencing® trauma resolution interventions.

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