1. Definition of Intellectual Property

The term “Intellectual Property” shall refer to:

  • (a) Trademarks & Logos: Any and all trademarks, service marks, trade dress, trade names, slogans, or logos of the Restoring Resilience
  • (b) Innovations & Inventions: Any and all ideas, inventions, designs, developments, devices, methods, and processes (whether or not patented or patentable, reduced to practice, or included in the Confidential Information as defined below), and all patents and patent applications related thereto.
  • (c) Copyrights & Materials: All copyrights, copyrightable works, and mask works, including but not limited to materials, lesson plans, worksheets, exercises, guidelines, syllabuses (whether or not included in the Confidential Information as defined below), and all applications for registration related thereto.
  • (d) Other Proprietary Rights: Any and all other proprietary rights created by the Company or any person acting on behalf of the Company (whether alone or in collaboration with others) in connection with or related to the Training.


  1. Ownership of Intellectual Property

You acknowledge and agree that:

  • Any and all Intellectual Property provided to you by the Company, as well as all associated rights, titles, and interests, belong exclusively to the Company.
  • You have no right, title, or interest whatsoever in the Intellectual Property.
  • By accepting this Agreement, you agree that all Intellectual Property presented to you on the Company or Organiser's Website or through the Training is protected by applicable international, federal, and state laws, regulations, and rules.
  • No license to sell, reproduce, publish, or distribute the Company’s Intellectual Property is granted or implied by this Agreement.


  1. Limited License for Use

You agree that:

  • The Intellectual Property is provided solely for your use during the Training and in your private practice.
  • A limited, single-user license is granted to you, allowing use only within the scope of this Agreement.
  • You are not authorised to use any of the Company’s Intellectual Property for any commercial purposes.
  • Any dissemination, distribution, reproduction, publication, display, or creation of derivative works from the Intellectual Property, beyond the scope of this Agreement, is strictly prohibited and will be considered an infringement of the Company’s rights.
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